Family Law
(901) 881-6205
Memphis, Tennessee Family Law Attorney
People change. Needs change. Circumstances change. It's tempting to let a family court settle the complex and emotional conflicts that result. But a judge's ruling may not reflect what's best for your family. Is there a better way? Is it really a choice between litigation and sacrificing your interests?
At the Becker Law Offices, we help individuals, couples and families find workable solutions that avoid costly, drawn-out and bitter legal fights.
Our goal is to help you find a fair and practical agreement that allows you to move on from this difficult time.
Misty D. Becker is an experienced family law attorney serving clients in the Memphis area and the communities of Shelby, Fayette and Tipton Counties. Arrange a consultation at 901.881.6205 to discuss your situation and legal options:
- Tennessee divorce
- Division of assets and alimony
- Child custody determinations and visitation issues
- Child support modifications or enforcement
- Paternity
- Adoptions
- Prenuptial agreements
Solutions Where Possible, Fights When Necessary
A cookie-cutter settlement agreement is no substitute for a personalized solution. Misty D. Becker will give you a frank assessment of your unique circumstances — what could happen in court and what it should cost to litigate or settle. From there, she will help you work past the emotions and help you to reach a practical agreement that smoothes the short-term transitions and, where children are involved, lays the groundwork for ongoing and future communication and conflict resolution.
Not every divorce or custody dispute can be peaceably resolved. Ms. Becker respects your bottom-line needs and watches out for the best interests of you and your children. If the other side is uncooperative, unreasonable or clearly wants a legal showdown, she is a fierce advocate in court.
There Is a Better Way
Contact a family law attorney who sees the big picture. Misty D. Becker will personally handle your matter, from your initial consultation to resolution.